Assignment for Friday, 04.02.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

For Friday, April 2, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 25, on the following forms and concepts. Note any questions along the way.

  • Imperfect Subjunctive Active (113, p. 227).
  • Imperfect Subjunctive Passive (114, pp. 227–8).
  • Imperfect Subjunctive of sum, possum, and volo (115, p. 228).
  • Dependent Uses of the Subjunctive: Adverbial Clauses (116, pp. 228–9).
  • Exercise 186 (p. 230), ONLY 1, 2, 5, 9 & 10.
  • Exercise 187 (p. 230), ONLY 1, 2, & 6.
  • Reading 35 (p. 231), A & B (make use of the special vocabulary).


Assignment for Wednesday, 03.31.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

For Wednesday, March 31, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 24, on the following forms and concepts. Note any questions along the way.

  • Present Active Subjunctive (#109, pp. 219–20).
  • Present Passive Subjunctive (#110, p. 220).
  • Present Subjunctive of sum, possum & volo (#111, p. 221).
  • Independent Uses of the Subjunctive (#112, pp. 221–2).
  • Exercise 181 (p. 223).
  • Exercise 182 (p. 233), ONLY 1, 2, 3 & 7.
  • Exercise 183 (p. 223), ONLY 4, 5 & 6.


Assignment for Friday, 03.26.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

For Friday, March 26, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 23, on the following forms and concepts.

  • eo, ire, ii, iturus (#106, pp. 211–12).
  • fero, ferre, tuli, latus (#107, pp. 212–13).
  • Paradigm of vis, vis f. (#108, p. 213).
  • Exercise 175 (p. 214).


Assignment for Wednesday, 03.24.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

For Wednesday, March 24, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 22, on the following forms and concepts.

  • Comparison of Adverbs (#102, pp. 203–4).
  • More on quam (#103, p. 204).
  • Deponent Verbs (#104, pp. 204–5).
  • Special Intransitive: Deponent Verbs Used with an Ablative Object (#105, p. 206).
  • Exercise 169 (p. 206).


Assignment for Friday, 03.19.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

For Friday, March 19, please do the following.


Reading. Shelmerdine, Chapter 21, on the following forms and concepts. Note any questions along the way.

  • Comparison of Adjectives (#97, pp 189–90).
  • Declension of Comparatives (#98, pp. 190–1).
  • Irregular Comparison (#99, p. 191).
  • Comparison with quam & Ablative of Comparison (#100, p. 192).
  • Indefinite Pronoun: quidam, quaedam, quoddam (#101, p. 192).
  • Exercise 162 (p. 190); NOM SING forms ONLY (but in all appropriate genders).
  • Exercise 164 (p. 192); ONLY 1, 2, 3, and 6.


(No) Assignment for Wednesday, 03.17.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

On Wednesday, March 19, there will be no assignment due. This is because — as noted on our website — the period of Midterm Exam 1 will have ended the day before.

I’ll see you in class the following day, per usual.


Midterm Exam 1 on Wednesday, 03.17.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

On Wednesday, March 17, our first take-home exam is due by noon EST. Please make sure you have

  • submitted the read-aloud portion, ideally by voicemail, if possible.

Other instructions accompanied the exam when it was emailed to you.

Please let me know if you have questions.


(No) Assignment for Friday, 03.12.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

On Friday, March 12, there will be no assignment due. This is because the period of Midterm Exam 1 begins today

Your task during this period — as noted on our website — is to focus on completing the exam, which is due by Wednesday, March 17, at noon EST.

