Assignment for Wednesday, 02.03.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

For Wednesday, February 3, please do the following.


  • Review the entire course website and note any questions you might have. I’ll answer them in class on Thursday.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 14 on the following forms and concepts. Note any questions along the way.

  • The Passive Voice (1) (#66, pp. 125–6).
  • Present Passive Indicative (#67, p. 126).
  • Imperfect Passive Indicative (#68, p. 127).
  • Future Passive Indicative (#69, p. 128).

NOTE: Although other assignments will require work to be emailed in PDF format, that’s won’t be necessary here.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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All assignments will be posted here in advance of the due date. Musings on the overall state of Latin will be also be posted as events warrant.

Please check this space often to ensure that you understand the requirements of each assignment.

