Assignment for Wednesday, 03.03.21

Dear Intermediate Latinists,

For Wednesday, March 3, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 19, on the following forms and concepts. Note any questions along the way.

  • Infinitive forms (#91, p. 173).
  • Perfect Active Infinitive (#91a, p. 173).
  • Future Active Infinitive (#91b, p. 173).
  • Review of all Infinitive Forms (#91c, p. 174).
  • Exercise 151 (p. 175).
  • Consulting Shelmerdine’s pronunciation guide (Introduction, pp. 1–3), practice reading out the first paragraph of Reading 23 (p. 169 ONLY). Pay particular attention to the placement of the stress accent on each word. When you feel you are ready, call my campus voicemail (x. 5463) and read me the passage over the phone. Identify yourself by name, so I know who’s calling. If you can’t call my voicemail, you may email me a recording of your reading.

