Assignment for Thursday, 08-27-20

Dear Cinemythologists,

For Thursday, August 27, please do the following.


  • Looking at Movies (LAM), chapter 1, pp. 2–15, 23–28.

These excerpts will introduce fundamental principles of engaged viewership and ground them in a discussion of the Star Wars series (which might occupy a different Myth on Screen course in its own right).

  • Jon Solomon’s 2007 essay, “Viewing Troy: Authenticity, Criticism, Interpretation” (excerpts).

We’ll revisit this piece in full later in the semester, but for now, try to take to heart what Solomon says about ways NOT to watch movies, and the banal critiques that less-than-engaged viewers often level at films.

Please bring any questions to class next time. Pay particular attention to the Policies, which I went over in less detail in class.


Reflect on a book you love, that was later adapted into a film or television show. As best as you can, try to recall some of your original reactions to seeing the adaptation. In particular, what did you make of the inevitable changes to the original’s themes, motifs, plot and characters?

Write down some of your reactions, and be prepared to share them next class.


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