Dear Cinemythologists,
On Tuesday, September 8, we stay with Clash of the Titans (1981), ruminating further on the film and building our cinematic literacy. Please do the following.
- Review, as necessary, the prompts and readings for the previous class.
We’ll continue our discussion of the film by considering these readings, especially with an eye toward the value added of an animated approach to fantasy filmmaking.
- Re-watch the opening sequence of Clash of the Titans (1981) — everything after Leo, the MGM mascot, roars until around the 00:02:18 mark, where the camera pans away from the receding ark to a soaring seagull.
As you watch, think about the various kinds of shots involved in this sequence, but not at the expense of taking in the sequence as a whole.
- Review once again the opening sequence of Clash ’81, this time numbering and identifying the various shots in the sequence.
Your identification should take stock of the proximity of the camera to the subject (long, medium, close, etc.); the angle of the camera, where important (eye-level, high, low, etc.); and movement of the camera (pan, tilt, zoom, etc.).
Some additional suggestions:
- DO make liberal use of the ol’ Pause-Play button.
- DO consult LAM, chapter 6 (pp. 205–17), as well as the LAM-inspired “Critical and Technical Glossary of the Cinema” handout, in order make your identifications as technically correct as they can be.
- DON’T sweat identifying every single shot. Make an effort, but if you don’t know what a shot is, move on to another. There are no penalties for being wrong.
In class we’ll review the sequence, compare notes, and discuss how this opening relates to the rest of the film — both as a collection of shots and as a prologue. (And, yes, this is all good practice for the Analysis assignment.)
Please let me know if you have questions.