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CC 222 : Web resources
Greek tragedy Theaters, topography Myth, history, culture
Greek tragedy

A web site and journal "dedicated to the study of ancient Greek and Roman drama in performance."

Of particular interest is the Study Area, which features an introduction to ancient drama, a glossary, and extensive visual resources — including 3-D reconstructions of the Theater of Dionysus.


A series of web pages on Greek tragedy and comedy by Professor Walter Englert (Reed College).

The page on Staging an Ancient Greek Play describes how a fifth-century tragic poet might go about putting on plays at the Dionysia, with cameo appearances by Sophocles, Euripides, and Socrates.

Theaters, topography

A "photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens," and another member of the Stoa Consortium.  Exhaustive.

Images relating to the Theater of Dionysus are indexed on the page devoted to the south slope of the Acropolis.


Another member of the Stoa Consortium, Metis features QuickTime Virtual Reality (QTVR) tours of Greek archaeological sites.  You are there...almost.

See the Acropolis (South Slope) and Epidauros (Theater) pages to tour the two most famous surviving ancient theaters.


The AWMC "promotes cartography, historical geography and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies."

The Free Maps section covers the Mediterranean basin, including Greece, the Aegean, Asia Minor, and Italy, in various formats.

Myth, history, culture

"An online encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legends...from all over the world."  Concise articles, image galleries, genealogical tables, and a handy search engine.

Two sections relevant to tragedy:  Greek Mythology (about deities) and Greek People (about heroes and heroines).


An "evolving digital library" of primary and secondary sources with emphasis on ancient Greece and Rome.

Especially helpful for fifth-century Athenian history and society is T. R. Martin's Overview of Classical Greek History.  The Greek and Roman Materials page lists all texts, images, and resources in the collection.


Yet another Stoa Consortium member, Diotima is "an interdisciplinary resource for the study of patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean."

See the Bibliography, which is subdivided into various topics pertinent to women's lives, and the online version of Women's Life in Greece and Rome by M. R. Lefkowitz and M. B. Fant.

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