Take-home quizzes on satiric style, syntax, and grammar will be due after each of our three primary units. Past experience suggests that these quizzes are preferable to in-class exams, which encourage short-term cramming versus longer-term deep thinking.
Quizzes must be completed and submitted by the specified date, either in person or via email (PDF attachments, please).
Quizzes will require you to re-read our texts and to select specific grammatical and syntactic constructions (such as purpose clauses, result clauses, gerundives) and poetic devices (such as enjambment or alliteration).
Select ONE construction or device from the range of passages/poems covered in each unit. Quizzes will also have a scansion component and a brief essay.
Grammar & syntax
- Identify quotations by [author] references, e.g. Hor. S.1.1.43–44.
- Quote as much of the construction as needed in order to demonstrate you’ve identified it successfully. If the construction is a subordinate clause, include some of the main clause (which is usually the “trigger”) for context. By quoting only the necessary components of a construction, students reveal themselves as careful and discerning readers.
- Translate the quotation (and only the quotation) as accurately as possible and in your own words.
- Discuss the essentials of the construction: what they are, how they work. If the construction is a subordinate clause, be sure to relate it back to the main clause. IMPORTANT: Consult the Guide to Subordinate Clauses when formulating your discussion, especially as regards the essential elements of such constructions. Allen and Greenough will be helpful for the rest.
Poetic devices
For poetic devices, follow the same process as for constructions, identifying, quoting, translating, and discussing specific examples.
Download the scansion portion of the quiz from our Opera page, and fill it in as you would our scansion drills. Submit it in hardcopy on Prof. Curley’s door or scan it and submit it with the rest of your quiz.
Essays should be at least 3–4 full paragraphs and supported with evidence from the text.
— 10 points each: identification, 3; quotation, 2; translation, 2; discussion, 3.
Poetic devices
— 5 points each: identification, 1; quotation, 1; translation, 1; discussion, 2.
— 5 points for each line.
— 40 points unless otherwise stated.
Due: Sunday, 03.01, 11:00 PM, via email.
Coverage: Hor. Satires book 1, poems 1.1–87; 4.1–76; 5 (all); 6.45–131.
A. Grammar & syntax
- ablative absolute
- accusative of respect
- relative clause
- purpose clause
- gerund or gerundive
- supine in -um
B. Poetic devices
- syncopation
- alliteration
- apostrophe
C. Scansion
- Hor. Sat. 1.6.113–17 (via our Opera page).
D. Essay
In his discussion of Lucilian and Horatian satire (Latin Literature: A History, pp. 114–16, 298–301), G. B. Conte enumerates core themes of Roman satire, including:
- personal or autobiographical concerns
- literary parody
- philosophical inquiry
- moral diatribe
Choose one of these themes and discuss how Horace engages it in book 1of the Satires, offering examples from the texts we have read. You should both show the theme at work and describe how the theme is crucial for Horatian satire.
Due: Monday, 04.20, noon (EST), via email.
Coverage: Juv. Satire 1.1–131; 3.1–80, 171–214, 286–322.
A. Grammar & syntax
- apposition
- genitive of material or description
- result clause
- subjunctive cum-clause
- indirect question
B. Poetic devices
- enjambment
- simile
- poetic plural
C. Scansion
- Juv. Sat. 3.171–176 (via our Opera page).
D. Essay
How does Juvenal demonstrate awareness of the satiric tradition before him? What is the function of satire in his own day?
QUIZ 3 (Optional, extra credit)
Due: Monday, 05.04, 11:00 PM (EST), via email.
Coverage: Mar. Ep. 1, 7, 18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 29, 31, 35, 37, 38, 45, 51, 60, 70, 71, and 80
NOTE ON GRADING. The quiz is with 125 points total. Since this is an extra credit opportunity, as opposed to a mandatory one, a quarter of all points earned will be added to your total quiz score across the semester. Hence, the maximum possible will be 32 points — more than enough to give your quiz grade, and hence your overall seminar grade, a transformative boost.
A. Grammar & syntax
- indirect statement
- subjunctive condition
- genitive of price or value
- adjective used adverbially
B. Poetic devices
- anaphora
- learned mythological reference
- chiasmus
C. Scansion
- Mar. Ep. 35.5–10 (via our Opera page).
D. Essay
How might Martial be read as a satiric poet? Cite examples from our readings, and offer comparisons with Horace and Juvenal.