Assignment for Wednesday, 02.26.20

Dear Satirists,

For Wednesday, February 26, please do the following.

(1) Read and translate the following:

  • Horace, Satires 1.6.45–88.

From Satire 5, we transition to Satire 6, the most personal and autobiographical of Horace’s satires. Since we’re plunging in medias res, you might find it helpful to read the beginning of the poem in English.

(2) Download, print, and fill in scansion drill 4. Since this is the first assignment that asks you to mark principal caesurae, we’ll spend a few minutes discussing any trouble spots before l collect your sheets.


Assignment for Sunday, 02.23.20

Dear Satirists,

As noted on our Semester Project page, your topic selection is due via email by 11:00 PM.

I won’t rehash the guidelines here, but please

  • Remember to format your PDF properly before sending.
  • Bear in mind that your topic should be solid. That is, it should be well conceived and executable within the terms of the project itself.


Assignment for Wednesday, 02.19.20

Dear Satirists,

For Wednesday, February 19, please do the following:

(1) Read and translate the following:

  • Horace, Satires 1.5.60–104 — the end of Horace’s journey to Brundisium.

(2) Download, print, and fill in scansion drill 3. We’ll spend a few minutes discussing any trouble spots, and then I’ll collect your sheets.

Assignment for Friday, 02.14.20

Dear Satirists,

For Friday, February 14, please do the following:

(1) Read and translate the following:

  • Horace, Satires 1.5.20–60 — just past the midpoint of the journey to Brundisium.

(2) Review Frances Muecke’s essay on Ennius and Lucilius in preparation for today’s discussion. Pay particular attention to the pages relevant to your question.


Assignment for Thursday, 02.13.20

Dear Satirists,

By 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, please do the following.

(1) Read Frances Muecke’s essay on Ennius and Lucilius.

(2) Bearing in mind the guidelines on our Opera page, generate a thoughtful discussion question about the essay and email it to Prof. Curley.

Once your question has been approved, the page numbers to which your queston pertains will be posted below, to aid your peers in formulating their questions.


  • Smith, p. 34.
  • Schwartz, pp. 34–6.
  • Rosenblum, p. 37.
  • Savage, p. 40.
  • Padala, p. 40.
  • Hugh, p. 44.

Assignment for Wednesday, 02.12.20

Dear Satirists,

For Wednesday, February 12, please do the following:

(1) Read and translate the following:

  • Horace, Satires 1.4.56–76.
  • Horace, Satires 1.5.1–19.

We’re going to move from Horace’s thoughts on genre in Satire 1.4 to his “epic” journey to Brundisum in Satire 1.5.

(2) Download, print, and fill in scansion drill 2. We’ll spend a few minutes discussing any trouble spots, and then I’ll collect your sheets.
