Assignment for Wednesday, 04.29.20

Dear Satirists,

For Wednesday, April 29, please do the following.

(1) Read and translate

  • Martial, Epigrams 26, 35, 80, and 18.

(2) Review carefully the compendium (sent via email) of your peers’ annotations on Freudenberg (2018). As before, ask yourselves these questions as you proceed.

  • What did you notice about the piece that your peers did not? And vice versa?
  • Would your peers’ annotations help them with a theoretical semester project on Roman satire? Why or why not?
  • What best practices for annotations might you extrapolate from the compendium?

Thanks again for agreeing to this special class session — one additional day has really made all the difference.


Assignment for Monday, 04.27.20

Dear Satirists,

On Monday, April 27, our modified semester project concludes. Please do the following.

I’ll compile your annotations into one document, and circulate it before class on Wednesday, April 29, which is when we’ll discuss what you all had to say.

Please let me know if you have questions.

