Assignment for Friday, 04.17.20

Dear Satirists,

For Friday, April 17, please do the following.

(1) Read and translate

  • Juvenal, Satire 3.286–322 — the very end of the poem.

(2) Review carefully the compendium (sent via email) of your peers’ annotations on Moodie (2014). As before, ask yourselves these questions as you proceed.

  • What did you notice about the piece that your peers did not? And vice versa?
  • Would your peers’ annotations help them with a theoretical semester project on Roman satire? Why or why not?
  • What best practices for annotations might you extrapolate from the compendium?

Friendly reminder to turn in your scansion from Wednesday with any necessary corrections before today’s class — if you haven’t already done so.


Assignment for Wednesday, 04.15.20

Dear Satirists,

For Wednesday, April 15, please do the following.

(1) Read and translate

  • Juvenal, Satire 3.171–214.

(2) Download, print, and fill in scansion drill 7.

As is now the custom, we’ll discuss the scansion in class, and then you can turn it in by email before Friday’s class.


Assignment for Friday, 04.10.20

Dear Satirists,

For Friday, April 10, please do the following.

(1) Read and translate

  • Juvenal, Satire 3.41–80.

(2) Review carefully the compendium (sent via email) of your peers’ annotations on Gold (2012). Ask yourselves the following questions as you proceed.

  • What did you notice about the piece that your peers did not? And vice versa?
  • Would your peers’ annotations help them with a theoretical semester project on Roman satire? Why or why not?
  • What best practices for annotations might you extrapolate from the compendium?

Friendly reminder to turn in your scansion from Wednesday with any necessary corrections before today’s class — if you haven’t already done so.


Assignment for Wednesday, 04.08.20

Dear Satirists,

For Wednesday, April 8, please do the following.

(1) Read and translate

  • Juvenal, Satire 3.1–40.

(2) Download, print (if possible), and fill in scansion drill 6.

As we did the previous week, we’ll discuss the scansion in class, and then you can turn it in by email before Friday’s class.

