Assignment for Thursday, 09.03.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Thursday, September 3, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 2 on the first and second declensions:

  • First Declension (#12, pp. 15–16)
  • Second Declension: Masculine (#13a, p. 16)
  • Second Declension: Neuter (#13b, pp. 17–18)

Note any questions along the way.


Assignment for Wednesday, 09.02.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Wednesday, September 2, ONLY students with last names ending in A through K should do the following.


Due noon (EST) via email.

  • Translate all of the Latin sentences in Exercise 6 (Shelmerdine, p. 10) into English.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.


Assignment for Tuesday, 09.01.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Tuesday, September 1, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 2 on the fundamentals of Latin nouns:

  • Latin Cases (#8a, p. 13)
  • Nominative and Accusative Case Uses (#8b, pp. 13–14)
  • The Noun (#9, p. 14)
  • Gender (#10, pp. 14–15)
  • Dictionary (#11, p. 15)

Note any questions along the way.


Assignment for Monday, 08.31.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Monday, August 31, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 1, on forming basic Latin verbs:

  • The Verb, Present Active Indicative, Present Active Infinitive (#5, pp. 7–9)
  • Principal Parts (#6, p. 9)
  • Indicative Uses: Statements and Questions (#7a, p. 9)
  • Infinitive Use: Complementary (#7b, pp. 9–10)

Please note any questions along the way. NOTE: Shelmerdine will cover some material my lecture did not (and vice versa).


Due by 9:00 AM (EST) by email.

Write a one-paragraph short story (6–8 sentences) in which you feature English derivatives from 75% of the Chapter 1 vocabulary (p. 11).

Use the English words naturally in your prose, but put the Latin words from which they are derived in parentheses immediately afterward.

EXAMPLE: Janice aspired to a nautical (nauta) life, but fortune (fortuna) labored (laborare) against her.

When listing the Latin words, use the first form of a noun and the infinitive form of a verb.

Finally, use the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) advanced etymology search, as demonstrated in class, to help you uncover useful English words. Alternatively, you can consult the “Derivatives” section of our textbook (immediately following the Vocabulary list) for a full slate of English words to try out in your story; look them up in the OED if you don’t know what they mean.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.

Please let me know if you have questions.


(No) Assignment for Friday, 08.29.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

Normally on Fridays half of you would turn in a written assignment. But not today, since we are still just starting up. We’ll begin written assignments next week.


Assignment for Thursday, 08.27.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Thursday, August 27, please do the following:


Shelmerdine, Chapter 1 on sentence structure:

  • The Sentence (#1, p. 5)
  • Parts of Speech (#2. pp. 5–6)
  • What Words Do (#3, p. 6)
  • Sentence Patterns (#4, pp. 6–7)

Note any questions along the way.


Assignment for Tuesday, 08.25.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Tuesday, August 25, please do the following.


By 9:00 AM (EST) send me an email in which you tell me

  • Your preferred name
  • Your pronouns (optional)
  • Your declared or possible major
  • A favorite food
  • A favorite movie or television show
  • Your ideal karaoke song
  • Something unforgettable about you

Also tell me if you think you would benefit from a team that works asynchronously. There must be a sound technological, pedagogical, or geographical rationale for your belief.


Sometime before class, read Shelmerdine on the fundamentals of spoken Latin:

  • The Alphabet (A, p. 1)
  • Vowels (B, p. 1)
  • Diphthongs (C, p. 1)
  • Consonants (D, pp. 1–2)
  • Syllables (E, pp. 2–3)
  • Accent (F, p. 3)

Note any questions along the way.

Also, please review the course Syllabus and Procedures pages, and bring questions to class.


Sometime before class, watch the video on the Latin Alphabet and Pronunciation.



Welcome to the blog for Elementary Latin.

All assignments will be posted here in advance of the due date. Musings on the overall state of Latin will be also be posted as events warrant.

Please check this space often to ensure that you understand the requirements of each assignment.

