

M 11:45 – 12:40, TuTh 11:30 – 12:50

Latin was originally an ancient Italian dialect. Common to Latium, the territory near Rome, it superseded other dialects as the Romans conquered the region and, later, the Italian peninsula.

Similarly, as the Romans established an empire throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa, their language and culture spread even farther. Latin is the foundation of Italian, Spanish, French, and the other Romance languages, and has influenced greatly the development of English.

Though ancient Latin is technically a dead language, it lives on and offers lessons for the 21st century thanks to the efforts of modern students.

Counts toward the Classics Major.
Counts toward the all-College Language Requirement.


Students in this course will

  • Learn elementary Latin grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.
  • Begin to understand the composition and style of Latin prose.
  • Gain access to Latin’s historical and cultural contexts.


Professor Dan Curley — Classics
212 Filene Hall (no visitors, please)
MTh 1:00 – 2:00 PM (via Zoom), and by appointment

Nicky Kiernan, ‘21 — Peer Tutor
W 5:30 – 6:30 PM (platform TBA)



Individual work

  • 15 % . . . . . . . . . . Homework points
  • 25 % . . . . . . . . . . Exam points (09.25, 10.30, 12.04)
  • 15 % . . . . . . . . . . Vocabulary points


  • 30 % . . . . . . . . . . Teamwork points
  • 15 % . . . . . . . . . . Peer review

Your grade in CL 110 will be based on the number of points you earn over the course of the semester, both individually and with your peers. Points will fall into one of above categories, and the designated percentage of points in each category will apply toward your overall grade.

All work — including exams — will be open-book, open-note and submitted via email when complete.

Please visit the Procedures & Guidelines page for information on completing these requirements.


Assignments & Submitted Work

All assignments are posted in advance on the Blog. You are responsible for checking the Blog and making sure you understand what each assignment requires.

Formatting. Homework exercises must have

  • Standard 12-point fonts, such as Times or Calibri.
  • Double-spacing.
  • 1.25-inch margins.
  • PDF formatting — no Word documents or other formats.
  • Your name and date on the page.


During the Fall 2020 semester, attendance will not be taken into account when determining your grade in this course and (if applicable) whether you will be permitted to take a final exam. That said, students remain responsible for making up any missed work, especially teamwork. If you have missed class or foresee missing class, please reach out to me to make arrangements for make-up work.

Please note that all class sessions will be recorded and stored on Ensemble for later reference.


All students are expected to participate fully in each session, to submit work on time, and to collaborate honestly and respectfully with their peers. During homework, teamwork, and exams, students may use the textbook and written notes, and any other resources, including those found online.

Teamwork ideally requires collaboration from everyone in your factio. Teams will have about an hour to complete exercises, depending on the day. An instructor will guide each team, confirm answers, and help students grade their work. More important than the actual grading, however, is the discussion of why the answer is correct and where your team might have gone wrong. Team members should make a note of any issues that arise during the exercises and ask questions as needed, whether of themselves or of an instructor.

Video sharing note. While I would love to see everyone’s smiling visages, I understand that students may choose not to share video during our Zoom sessions. Similarly, sharing video is optional during teamwork, provided that everyone is actively and vocally participating.

Laptops, Tablets & Phones

Given the COVID-19 pandemic, access to laptops and other devices will be essential for completing the course. If technological access will be difficult for you, please let your instructor know so that we can arrange assistance and workarounds.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to follow the Skidmore College Honor Code and code of conduct to the fullest extent. A maximum penalty will be recommended for all violations of the Honor Code.

Skidmore’s Academic Integrity Handbook (p. 6) defines plagiarism as “copying, paraphrasing, or imitating another person’s ideas, information, data, words, descriptions, choice of evidence, structure of argument, and so on.” It does not matter whether that person’s work appears in print or on the web. Cases of plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, will be referred to the Office of Academic Advising for appropriate sanctions.


Any student who anticipates facing obstacles to their success in this course should seek assistance from the appropriate offices on campus and, where appropriate, from the instructors. If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need academic accommodation, you need to formally request accommodation from Meg Hegener, Coordinator of Student Access Services. You will also need to provide documentation which verifies the existence of a disability and supports your request.

Sexual & Gender-based Misconduct: Title IX Statement

Skidmore College considers sexual and gender-based misconduct to be one of the most serious violations of the values and standards of the College. Unwelcome sexual contact of any form is a violation of students’ personal integrity and their right to a safe environment and therefore violates Skidmore’s values. Sexual and gender-based misconduct is also prohibited by federal and state regulations.

Skidmore College faculty are committed to supporting our students and upholding gender equity laws as outlined by Title IX. If a student chooses to confide in a member of Skidmore’s faculty or staff regarding an issue of sexual or gender-based misconduct, that faculty or staff member is obligated to tell Skidmore’s Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Deputy Coordinator.

The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator will assist the student in connecting with all possible resources for support and options for reporting both on and off campus. Identities and details will be shared only with those who need to know to support the student and to address the situation through the college’s processes. If the student wishes to confide in a confidential resource, the Counseling Center Staff, Health Services, and Victim Advocates (anonymous) are available — key contact information here.

Diversity & Inclusion

Skidmore College is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community in which members develop their abilities to live in a complex and interconnected world. Consistent with our educational mission, we recognize ourselves as a community that respects individual identities based on varying sociocultural characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, national origin, first language, religious and spiritual tradition, age, ability, socioeconomic status and learning style.

We strive to create a socially just world that honors the dignity and worth of each individual, and we seek to build a community centered on mutual respect and openness to ideas — one in which individuals value cultural and intellectual diversity and share the responsibility for creating a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment. We recognize that our community is most inclusive when all members participate to their full capacity in the spirited and sometimes challenging conversations that are at the center of the college’s educational mission.

Any student who experiences racism or another form of discrimination and bias should contact Cerri Banks, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs, for support or file a bias incident report. Your instructors also stand ready and willing to listen and offer support.

Content Advisory

The material of earlier periods can be violent and/or explicit. Though the risk of encountering such material in a beginning Latin class is small, please be prepared for words, images, and discussions that might make you or your peers uncomfortable. If you have concerns about our readings, viewings, or anything else, please bring them to the attention of your instructors.

COVID-19 Exhortation

The College expects all members of the community to adhere to health and safety protocols at all times, including when entering and exiting academic buildings and classrooms. In addition, we are all expected to pay attention to signage that directs traffic within buildings; clean classroom work stations at the beginning and end of classes; refrain from drinking and eating in the classroom; wear a mask at all times in public spaces, including in classrooms; and practice safe social distancing.

Whether you are learning this semester in person or remotely, please do your part to ensure your safety and the safety of others.
