Procedures & Guidelines

Whether an in-person or a remote learning experience, CL 110 revolves around a powerful pedagogical notion, namely collaborative teamwork.

In a team-based course, students work together on completing exercises based on the current material. Students demonstrate their mastery of the material not only by solving the problems posed by the exercises, but also by discussing them with their peers.

Let’s see how this notion plays out on a daily basis in conjunction with the other course requirements and methodologies.



Mondays are for asking questions about the material, reviewing the material on a large scale, and addressing the course as a whole.

Before class

  • A short vocabulary assignment is due by 9:00 AM (EST). Write me a one-paragraph short story that uses English derivatives from our current vocabulary. Details will be given on the blog. This assignment counts toward your Vocabulary points total.
  • Read and review the appropriate portions of the textbook, noting questions along the way.

During class

  • Students ask questions about the material, and the instructors review it as needed.
  • The instructors present new material and reinforce it with impromptu exercises and drills.
  • The instructors review instructions and guidelines for assignments, exams, and other assessments.


Tuesdays are teamwork days. Although some new material is presented, the majority of class time is devoted to students working together in their pre-assigned teams, or factiones.

Before class

  • Read and review the appropriate portions of the textbook, noting questions along the way.

During class

  • Students ask questions about the material, and the instructors review it as needed.
  • Students assemble into their factiones and collaborate on completing the worksheet of the day, talking through the various problems and arriving at definitive answers. The textbook, notes, and other resources — including the instructors — may be consulted.
  • The instructors circulate while the factiones are at work. They check the completed work, offering commentary and guidance as necessary, and award points at the end.
  • All teamwork counts toward your Teamwork point totals. Everyone in your factio will receive the same score, unless they are absent.



  • A homework assignment, due noon (EST) by email, from half the class. (The following week, this half of the class will submit their assignment on Friday instead.)
  • All homework counts toward your Homework point totals.
  • Unexcused late work will not be accepted.


Another teamwork day.

Before and during class

  • Same procedures as Tuesday.



  • A homework assignment, due noon (EST) by email, from the other half the class. (The following week, this half of the class will submit their assignment on Wednesday instead.)
  • All homework counts toward your Homework point totals.
  • Unexcused late work will not be accepted.


An exception to the weekly schedule above is an exam week, during which most classes will not be held in order to give students time to complete a take-home midterm exam. As noted on the syllabus, exams are open-book, open-note — though you must work entirely on your own.

During an exam week, Monday class proceeds as normal, but Tuesday and Thursday classes are cancelled. The exam is due by email and voicemail at the end of the week, by noon (EST) on Friday.

All exams count toward your Exams point totals.

After the exam is submitted, students will fill out a peer review form on each of their team members. The form will generate a point total for each peer, which will count toward the Peer Review portion of your grade. The forms are due by Sunday, noon (EST).

Students who fail to engage in peer review will receive zero points for that round of review.
