OPTIONAL Peer Review on Friday, 12.04.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

An OPTIONAL round of Peer Review is due Friday, December 4, by noon (EST).

This round is intended especially for those of you who missed either Round I or Round II. If your current Peer Review Grade is 90 points or higher, you are welcome to submit a review, but the benefits will be minimal.

Unlike other rounds, this round will be focused on you. That is, you’ll fill out a form on yourself — the usual questions, but all aimed at you and your contributions to teamwork. Hence, there will be only one form to fill out.

The link to the Review Form has been sent to your Skidmore email address. The form will be live for two days, starting noon on Wednesday, before closing Friday.

Below are the guidelines for filling in the form. Please note the benefits and the penalties.

The form asks reviewers to rate themselves on aspects of their participation, and the result is an overall rating of 0% to 100% for the review period. These ratings, when aggregated, determine the number of peer review points the reviewer receives.

EXAMPLE. Say it’s possible to earn 30 review points for the current review period, and that a reviewer gives themself an overall 85% rating. The reviewer therefore earns 26 review points (85% of 30).

The review form also calls for written feedback. Thoughtful comments will garner additional review points.

IMPORTANT. Late reviews will not be accepted. Please don’t ask. If the Peer Review portion of your grade is important to you, be sure to participate on time.

Finally, please note these technical points:

  • This work is probably better done on a laptop than a phone, due to the formatting.
  • Please be sure your answers line up with your intentions. There’s always one student who means “ALWAYS” but enters “NEVER” instead.
  • You will receive a copy of your review by email. The sender will be “Do not reply@skidmore.reclaimhosting.com” — a spammy-looking address, so be sure to monitor your junk email folder.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Final Exam on Friday, 12.04.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

Just a reminder that your final exam is due Friday, December 4, at noon (EST). Please observe these guidelines for completion and submission.

  • The exam is open-everything (book, notes, internet) — except open-people. Which is to say, work entirely on your own. No collaborating with peers. (I could tell, especially in these past few weeks, that some of you have been working together on the homework. That was fine, if not laudable; but the exam is a test of you and you alone.)
  • If you have questions before the due date, please email me, or set up an appointment with either me or our Peer Tutor, Nicky. Note that, while we can help you with larger issues, it will be difficult or impossible to address specifics about the exam.
  • Both the written portions of the exam (Parts A–D) and the read-out-loud portion (Part E) are due by noon. Part E has its own set of instructions and guidelines, so be sure to consult them.
  • You may fill in the exam copy sent via email, or you may enter your answers into a new document, provided that you follow the numbering/lettering system of the original. Whatever you do, make sure that you submit a double-spaced PDF and that you follow the other formatting requirements for written work.
  • Be sure to re-type the Honor Code Statement on your exam and sign it by typing your name.
  • Your OPTIONAL peer review will be due the same day, December 4, noon (EST). The following blog post will describe the process and the rationale in more detail. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO REVIVE YOUR PEER REVIEW GRADE, if need be.
  • Finally, bear in mind that noon (EST) on the 4th is a hard deadline.

Please let me know if you have questions.


(No) Assignment for Friday, 11.20.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

No assignment will be due on Friday, November 20 (just as there was none due on Wednesday, November 18).

Why, you ask? Mostly because Friday is a move-out day on campus, and I’d rather not add to the stress. Nor do I want assignments to stretch into Thanksgiving week. Not to mention we’re all tired and have earned the upcoming break.

Watch this space for details on the take-home final exam, due December 4.


Assignment for Thursday, 11.19.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Thursday, November 19, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 14, on further tenses of the passive voice:

  • Imperfect Passive Indicative (#68, p. 127)
  • Future Passive Indicative (#69, pp. 127–8)

Note any questions along the way.


Assignment for Tuesday, 11.17.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Tuesday, November 17, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 14, on the passive voice:

  • Passive Voice (1) (#66, pp. 125–6)
  • Present Passive Indicative (#67, p. 126)

Please note any questions along the way.


Assignment for Monday, 11.16.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Monday, November 16, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 13, on reflexive pronouns:

  • The Pronoun: Reflexive (#65, pp. 119–20)


Due by 9:00 AM (EST) by email.

Write a one-paragraph short story (6–8 sentences) in which you feature English derivatives from 75% of the Chapter 13 vocabulary (pp. 123–4).

As before, use the English words naturally in your prose, but put the Latin words from which they are derived in parentheses immediately afterward.

When listing the Latin words, use the first form of a noun, adjective, or pronoun, and the infinitive form of a verb. ALSO: If your derivative contains a Latin preposition, include it in your parenthetical citation.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.

Please let me know if you have questions.


Assignment for Friday, 11.13.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Friday, November 13, everyone should do the following.


Due noon (EST) via email.

  • Translate the first half of Reading 17 (Shelmerdine, p. 121 ONLY) into English. Break the passages into individual sentences, as usual.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.

  • OPTIONAL EXTRA CREDIT: Translate the second half of Reading 17 (Shelmerdine, p. 122 ONLY) into English.


Assignment for Thursday, 11.12.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Thursday, November 12, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 13, on the forms of the relative pronoun:

  • The Pronoun: Relative (#63, p. 117)

Note any questions along the way.

