(No) Assignment for Friday, 11.20.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

No assignment will be due on Friday, November 20 (just as there was none due on Wednesday, November 18).

Why, you ask? Mostly because Friday is a move-out day on campus, and I’d rather not add to the stress. Nor do I want assignments to stretch into Thanksgiving week. Not to mention we’re all tired and have earned the upcoming break.

Watch this space for details on the take-home final exam, due December 4.


(No) Assignment on Wednesday, 10.07.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

In order to give me time to catch up on the grading, I’m going to postpone the usual Wednesday assignment to Friday, October 9.

This means that, instead of half the class turning something in today, everyone will turn in work on Friday.


(No) Assignment for Friday, 08.29.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

Normally on Fridays half of you would turn in a written assignment. But not today, since we are still just starting up. We’ll begin written assignments next week.

