Assignment for Friday, 09.18.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Friday, September 18, ONLY students from class years 2023 and 2024 should do the following.


Due noon (EST) via email.

  • Exercise 38 (p. 43), TRANSLATE ONLY #1, 4, 5, 6, and 8.
  • Exercise 39 (p. 43), ONLY #1, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.


Assignment for Monday, 09.14.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Monday, September 14, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 4, on expressing location and related topics; also, nuances of word order:

  • Expressions of Place (#24, pp. 30–1)
  • Adverbial Modification (Summary) (#25, pp. 31–2)
  • Word Order (#26, pp. 32–3, including Reading Skills)


Due by 9:00 AM (EST) by email.

Write a one-paragraph short story (6–8 sentences) in which you feature English derivatives from 75% of the Chapter 4 vocabulary (pp. 34–5).

As before, use the English words naturally in your prose, but put the Latin words from which they are derived in parentheses immediately afterward.

When listing the Latin words, use the first form of a noun and the infinitive form of a verb. ALSO: If your derivative contains a Latin preposition, include it in your parenthetical citation.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.

Please let me know if you have questions.


Assignment for Friday, 09.11.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Friday, September 11, ONLY students with last names ending in A through K should do the following.


Due noon (EST) via email.

  • Translate Narrative B (p. 27) into clear English. When typing out your translation please break the passage into individual sentences, each starting on a new line with a new number. There are seven sentences in all.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.



Assignment for Wednesday, 09.09.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Wednesday, September 9, ONLY students with last names ending in L through Z should do the following.


Due noon (EST) via email.

  • Translate Narrative B (p. 27) into clear English. When typing out your translation please break the passage into individual sentences, each starting on a new line with a new number. There are seven sentences in all.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.



Assignment for Tuesday, 09.08.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Tuesday, September 8, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 3 on the primary functions of the dative and genitive cases, and on nuances of reading:

  • Genitive Case: Possession, Partitive (#18, p. 24)
  • Dative Case (#19, p. 25)
  • Expectations (Reading) (#20, pp. 25–6)

Note any questions along the way.


Assignment for Monday, 09.07.20

Dear Elementary Latinists,

For Monday, September 7, please do the following.


Shelmerdine, Chapter 2, on some fundamentals of reading Latin:

  • The Conjunction (#14, p. 18)
  • Reading Latin: Using Expectations (#15, pp. 18–19)

Shelmerdine, Chapter 3, on giving commands:

  • Imperative: Commands (#16, p. 23)
  • Vocative Case: Direct Address (#17, p. 24)


Due by 9:00 AM (EST) by email.

Write a one-paragraph short story (6–8 sentences) in which you feature English derivatives from 75% of the Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 vocabulary (p. 20 and p. 28).

As before, use the English words naturally in your prose, but put the Latin words from which they are derived in parentheses immediately afterward.

When listing the Latin words, use the first form of a noun and the infinitive form of a verb.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the formatting requirements for written work.

Please let me know if you have questions.

